2013年1月27日 星期日

Love - John Lennon 約翰藍儂~愛

Love ~ John Lennon (約翰藍儂 ~ 愛)

Lyric ~ 
Love is real, 
real is love Love is feeling, feeling love 
Love is wanting to be loved 
Love is touch, touch is love 
Love is reaching, reaching love 
Love is asking to be loved 
Love is you You and me Love is knowing 
We can be Love is free, free is love 
Love is living, living love 
Love is needing to be loved


2013年1月16日 星期三

性福療程 The Sessions

The Sessions 性福療程 第一次永遠不嫌遲。馬克六歲時罹患小兒痲痺,四肢再也無法移動,人生多半在醫療床上度過。但身體沒有困住他,馬克終於成為詩人與記者,三十八歲的他就要體驗人生大事,和別­人發生第一次。教區神父來幫忙,性輔導師雪若親身指導,面對性的焦慮、身體的羞怯,原來要解放肉體,先要釋放靈魂,靈與肉從不是對立,身體都圓滿了,何況是人生。


Based on the journalist and poet Mark O'Brien's autobiography, The Sessions chronicles his attempt to transcend the limbo between childhood and adulthood, in which he is literally trapped. With the blessing of an unusual priest and support from enlightened caregivers, the poignantly optimistic and always droll O'Brien swallows his fear and hires a sex surrogate.
